
Transforming technology managers into innovation leaders.

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Latest Perspectives

Opportunities and Challenges in Adopting an Enterprise Agile Framework

Frameworks give us a recipe to follow while allowing customization to suit our needs. In my third implementation of a large-scale change from more traditional project management to more agile product and service delivery, I see while each experience has been different – the reasons for change and the frameworks used – the transformations faced…

Thanks Henry

You don’t have to be a visual learner to be a fan of the Gantt chart. It visually shows to your stakeholders how your project has tasks assigned to responsible people with due dates. From executives to individual contributors, your stakeholders can see the task durations and dependencies. They can point out the milestones on…

What’s in your bizarch toolbox?

Business architects analyze their company’s business goals and strategic initiatives, and then develop the capability models needed to operate the organization. TOGAF details the inputs, activities, outputs and application of business architecture. My favorite work products are the capability maps, value stream maps, and organizational accountability frameworks. My top three tools in my business architecture…

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